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日本滞在に係る諸手続き  Information for Living

在留手続き Procedure for Regidence

市役所への届出  Alien Registration


Foreign nationals residing in Japan must register at the municipal office of their city within 14 days of entering Japan. Please make sure you complete all the necessary procedures at the municipal office. After completing the registration procedures, you will be issued an Alien Registration Card, which must be carried at all times.

≪引越しをする場合  Changes to Registered Information≫


Should you change your registered information, such as your address, status of residence, period of stay, nationality, or name you must report the change to the municipal office within 14 days (for a change of address, you would report this to the municipal office in which your new residence is located).

在留資格更新  Extension of Period of Stay


The approved period of stay for an international student under the status of "College Student" is either one or two years. To extend this period of stay, it is necessary to file an application with the Immigration Bureau for permission. The application for an extension of the period of stay can be filed with the Regional Immigration Bureau or District Immigration Office from two months prior to the expiry date of the authorized period of stay.

資格外活動許可  Permission to Engage in Activities Other than those Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted


Students with a "College Student" status of residence, are not allowed to engage in part-time work unless they obtain permission from the Immigration Bureau, as this activity is not permitted by the original status of residence. Students are also limited by prescribed regulations and working hours. Students who engage in part-time work without permission or exceed the prescribed hours will be in violation of Japanese law, and will no longer be allowed to live in Japan as an international student. Students without a job prospect can also apply for permission.

※アルバイトできる時間 Number of Hours Students Can Work Part-time


Students can work part-time job for up to 28 hours a week. They can work no more than 8 hours a day during vacation.

医療・保険  Medical Care and Insurance

国民健康保険  National Hearlth Insurance Program


All foreigners who plan to stay in Japan for one year or longer must join Japan's National Health Insurance Program. Upon joining this insurance plan, you will be issued a National Health Insurance Card. This policy covers 70 % of medical costs.

学研災保険と学研賠保険 Accident Insurance and Liability Insurance for Student Education and Research


A student is eligible to receive compensation for injuries suffered while engaged in education or research activities for the University, regardless of whether the accident occurred on or off the campus.


The following web site provides you details.

≫ 学生生活の手引き「災害と保険」(Japanese)