Contribution to the Local Area in Academic Year 2009

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Research Initiatives that Deal with Local Issues

As part of our contributions to the local community in the 2009 academic year, we have made efforts to create a system that can accurately grasp the local issues, strengthen our initiatives that aim to resolve such issues, create a system that makes recommendations and policy proposals to the community, and publically announce the findings of our research.
With regard to grasping the local issues, meetings with executives from the prefecture and the university were held to exchange ideas, a communication conference was held with local authorities under a cooperation agreement, and joint research and projects in the Faculty of Social Welfare were conducted with the community.
Examples of our efforts to resolve local issues include accepting new academic research funding, opening the Takizawa Village IPU Innovation Center in May, and the Industry-University-Government Joint Research Base Project which was proposed by the university, prefecture, and industrial world and was adopted by JST.
With regard to establishing a system that makes recommendations and policy proposals, we have interacted with local companies and municipalities through the IPU Community Planning Plaza, a debriefing session took place to announce the findings of the Morioka City Community Planning Institute, and seminars and presentations were held regarding the 2009 regional development and contribution activities.
As part of our effort to actively announce our research findings, the Iwate Prefectural University Research Presentation Conference was held, findings were announced at the “8th Industry-University-Government Collaboration Promotion Conference” hosted by the Cabinet Office, and a research findings webpage was set up.

Liaison Between the University, Industry and Government:Promotion of Local Industry and Obtaining Outside Funding

Compared to the 2008 academic year when collaborative research performance had the highest results to date, the 2009 academic year saw a reduction in both the overall number of cases and the total monetary amount. This reflects to the current state of affairs, including the economic downturn, and we must aim to further strengthen our future initiatives.

Achievements of Joint Research, etc.

In the 2009 academic year, there were 47 joint research projects, 20 commissioned research projects, and 8 grants for a total of 75 projects.

Support for Obtaining Outside Research Funding

In the 2009 academic year, there were 63 projects that applied for outside research funding, out of which 9 were approved.

Rate of newly attained scientific research funding 2008 academic year 2009 academic year
No. of applications (A) 88 projects 63 projects
No. of approved applications (B) 25 projects 9 projects
Approval rate (B/A) 28.4% 14.3%

Creation, Management and Use of Intellectual Property

By working together with the Iwate Intellectual Property Rights Center and the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation Iwate Branch, the university became the venue for seminars on intellectual property. In addition, the university also hosted on-campus consultations on inventions by patent lawyers. As a result, two corporate applications for inventions were submitted in the 2009 academic year, out of which one case(*1) filed for a patent.

*1 As revisions and other modifications must be made to the filing documents, it may take time to get from the school notification to the filing in some cases.

Contribution to the Local Area: Promoting Regional Exchange through Visiting Lectures

We are supporting the efforts of utilizing the university’s intellectual properties to contribute to the local area by holding extension courses and visiting lectures.

Status of Extension Courses Offered Number of courses Number of people enrolled
Takizawa Campus Courses 13 1,377
Regional Courses 0 0
Aiina Campus Courses 40 1,695
Total 53 3,072

Academic Year 2009: The Number of Dispatched Lecturers and Appointments to Committees and Advisory Bodies

As a part of regional collaborative activities, our university’s teaching staff assumes positions as members of prefectural committees and advisory bodies, and teaches at lectures hosted by various organizations. The numbers of appointments and dispatched lecturers between the 2007 and the 2009 academic years are shown in the table below.

  Academic Year
Academic Year
Academic Year
Faculty of Nursing 43 69 25
Faculty of
Social Welfare
79 124 84
Faculty of
Software and
Information Science
22 39 20
Faculty of
Policy Studies
134 262 173
Center for
Liberal Arts
Education and
3 7 4
Morioka Junior
17 20 32
Miyako College 26 29 15
Head Office 10 13 2
Total 334 563 355
Faculty of
18 15 18
Faculty of
Social Welfare
36 33 31
Faculty of
Software and
Information Science
19 22 15
Faculty of
Policy Studies
21 24 26
Center for
Liberal Arts
Education and
16 15 13
Morioka Junior
12 8 7
Miyako College 17 14 13
Head Office 7 2 1
Total 146 133 124
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